Practical benefits of working with neuromarketing through a customer’s eye - An interview with László from Árukereső (Heureka Group)

Practical benefits of working with neuromarketing through a customer’s eye - An interview with László from Árukereső (Heureka Group)

If you are still hesitant to try out neuromarketing, or you want to get inspiration about what others use the methodology for, the next lines are for you: read what László Baka, Brand Marketing Manager at Heureka Group (árukereső.hu) thinks about neuromarketing.

Finding balance between data and intuition: main learnings from Synetiq`s webinar

Finding balance between data and intuition: main learnings from Synetiq`s webinar

In the age of Big Data, many companies struggle with finding balance between being intuitive and relying on data. In marketing, one can not live without the other; although data is the pure reality of your consumers’ behaviour and opinion, mistakes can happen, so staying critical is always very important.

How neuromarketing insights help you in your creative concepts

How neuromarketing insights help you in your creative concepts

Although neuromarketing research methods are mainly good for measuring already existing, almost-ready ads, due to our big data (more than 6000 measured ads) many patterns can be read out of the results. As creative concepts can not be measured, they can still benefit from the insights we get out from neuromarketing research. The question is: how?

Applying neuromarketing to develop your next creative

Applying neuromarketing to develop your next creative

Here, at Synetiq, we believe in the future of database creativity. Ad creation should not be blocked by data - data should simply support ideas. When you know what your consumers really like, how they behave and what is in their unconscious mind, you can be creative in a guided and effective, but still, free way. Your ideas will not come out of nowhere - they have a base and a purpose. By 2021, - in the ages of Big Data - all big companies know a lot about their consumers - why should we close our ears and not take advantage of this bunch of information? Using data makes you more successful - and being more successful brings you more clients and more happy consumers.

TOP3 december 2020

TOP3 december 2020

2020 hozott nekünk jót is, is rosszat is, egy biztos: a reklámpiac különös fordulatot vett tavaly év elején. Év végére azonban egyre kevesebb karanténfilmmel találkozhattunk a képernyőkön - ahogyan mi, emberek, úgy a szakma is alkalmazkodni kezdett az új normához. 2020 decemberében ismét sokszínű, izgalmas reklámfelhozatallal találkozhattunk, s habár a karácsonyi filmek még emlékeztettek minket a megváltozott körülményekre, jelentősen csökkent a járványhoz kapcsolódó kommunikáció.

A Synetiq decemberi TOP3 érzelmileg legsikeresebb reklám válogatásába pedig egy telekommunikációs, egy kereskedelmi és egy gyógyszerreklám került be.

Mi történik, ha magunkra ismerünk egy reklámban? A karakterválasztás fontossága

Mi történik, ha magunkra ismerünk egy reklámban? A karakterválasztás fontossága

Találkoztál már olyan reklámmal, amiben különös módon a saját életedre ismertél? Legtöbbünk számára a válasz valószínűleg igen. De elgondolkodtál-e már azon, hogy vajon ugyanígy éreztél volna akkor is, ha a főszerepet egy másik színész játssza? A Studionarratives szakemberei is hasonló kihívással találták magukat szemben, így a Synetiq-kel közösen, a neuromarketinges kutatásokhoz használt biometrikus szenzorok segítségével a válaszok keresésére indultak.

Seeing ourselves in ads: the importance of character choice for emotional resonation

Seeing ourselves in ads: the importance of character choice for emotional resonation

Have you ever seen an ad that felt oddly relevant to your life? The answer is probably yes for most of us. But have you ever wondered whether the ad could have been as emotional with a different protagonist? Probably not, but creatives frequently have to face this question when casting for a commercial. Our friends at Studionarratives wondered about the same, and hand in hand with Synetiq - using our biometric measurements -, we were able to find some answers.

8 steps for a more successful Easter campaign

8 steps for a more successful Easter campaign

As now all seasonal holidays are heavily commercialized, we shouldn’t forget that Easter is just around the corner. Even if you’re not in the “chocolate bunny business”, there is a great sales opportunity in it. Although in terms of seasonal communication Easter is not as wide as Christmas, it is still worth it to put energy in the creative planning of an Easter theme TV spot.

The mysterious Generation Z: who are they and what do they want?

The mysterious Generation Z: who are they and what do they want?

Many companies started to realize that as their current consumers begin to "age", meaning that their purchasing power gets weaker, they need to start focusing more on the younger generation who has a constantly growing spending power and will be the strongest consumer segment sooner or later.

Útmutató a sikeres webshop kommunikációhoz

Útmutató a sikeres webshop kommunikációhoz

Habár már az elmúlt években is rohamosan nőtt a webshopok jelentősége, 2020 első fele a #maradjotthon jelmondattal szinte minden vállalat számára kötelezővé tette az online kereskedelemben való megjelenést. Aki lemarad, kimarad - tartja a mondás, ez pedig különösen igaz lehet a jelenlegi online térben zajló versenyre.

How to get the most out of an adapted copy?

Are you working at one of those multinational companies who receives TV spots from the global HQ and you have to adapt them for the local market? And are you one of those employees who wants to be creative, but your hands are tied? If you have ever worked on an adaptation, you know that it’s not as easy as it sounds. But is a narration important, does it have a strong influence on emotions? How can you get the most out of it? Our article is here to answer your questions.



2020 eleje a változásokról szólt, minden értelemben. A reklámügynökségek és hirdetők új kihívásokkal néztek szembe, amiket nem csak az általános büdzsécsökkentés indukált. Ám talán minden szakmabelit örömmel töltött el, hogy így is lehetett új reklámfilmeket készíteni. Azonban, amikor ennyire hasonló tematikájú szinte az összes film, vajon mivel lehetett kiemelkedni, és miért?

Measuring emotions: attraction and disgust from brain signals

Measuring emotions: attraction and disgust from brain signals

Our Approach metric shows whether people have positive or negative feelings towards what they’ve seen or experienced. The name of the metric comes from the phenomenon called approach-withdrawal motivation, which is the term that describes whether a person wants to get closer to a stimuli, or distance themselves from it.